The best and only real protection for this life and beyond is to have good karma. Premium Best Karma is...
This retreat will be based on the great Buddhist classic, A Gift of Liberation, Thrust into the Palm of Our...
In this 10-year training, which is currently underway, we’re learning the details of deep meditation and all the steps of...
Geshe Michael Roach explaining how to teach others about the core Buddhist idea of Emptiness using his favorite example of a pen.
Meditations for the rest of your life? Yes, meditation can change your relationships, your career, and your life! How does this happen? Geshe Michael Roach taught this series of short, powerful meditations from Master Kamalashila at the Lincoln Center in February, 2016.
Geshe Michael teaching from his new translation of Je Tsongkapa’s Illumination of the True Thought — one of the greatest...
Geshe Michael teaching from his new translation of Je Tsongkapa’s Illumination of the True Thought — one of the greatest...
Here's a teaching that Geshe Michael gave in Guadalajara, Mexico on how to create the karma to encounter "Angels" and receive divine assistance in our life.
Geshe Michael came to Guadalajara to lecture and launch his new book “The Teachings of Jesus in Tibet”. El gran maestro de Budismo Geshe Michael Roach vendrá por cuarta ocasión a Guadalajara a dar una conferencia y lanzar su nuevo libro “Las enseñanzas de Jesús en el Tibet”
El objetivo de los negocios y de la antigua sabiduría tibetana y, de hecho, de toda iniciativa humana es enriquecernos logrando prosperidad externa e interna. Pero sólo seremos capaces de disfrutar dicha prosperidad si nos mantenemos en un buen grado de salud física y mental. Y a lo largo de nuestra vida hemos de buscar métodos para darle a esta prosperidad un significado en gran escala.
Michael Roach, primer monje budista estadounidense que alcanzó el grado de Gueshe y uno de los más populares profesores de Budismo Tibetano en Occidente, vendrá al Perú como parte su gira internacional del presente año. Roach, conocido popularmente como Gueshe Michael, ofrecido tres distintas conferencias públicas en Lima, que se celebró en el Auditorio Juan Julio Wicht, de la Universidad del Pacífico.
A 30 minute talk by Geshe Michael Roach in Buenos Aires, Argentina. What would happen in the world if everyone believes that the only way to make money is to help another human being?
In this talk in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Geshe Michael gives us answers to the six most commonly asked questions about relationships that he encounters in his travels around the world.
Michael Roach, uno de los fundadores de Andin International Diamond Corporation, compañía que registró un avance de ventas de cero a USD250 millones anuales y que recientemente fue adquirida por Warren Buffet, comparte con nosotros dos días de conferencias públicas en la ciudad de México.