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Donation Options

It takes a great deal of time and effort to provide you with all this free content on The Knowledge Base website. If it’s something that you use regularly and has benefited your life, then please consider giving a one-time donation or signing up for a membership so you can help us to continue providing our free content to others. These regular monthly contributions are what help us the most. Monthly Membership Partners make an an ongoing monthly contribution to The Knowledge Base that is paid by an automatic transfer of funds each month.

All contributions are greatly appreciated and all allow us to continue our work of making these precious teachings available free of charge to thousands of users throughout the world. See below if you would you prefer to give a recurring donation instead and become a Monthly Membership Partner.

Make a one-time donation

One-Time Donation

Monthly Membership Levels

Click on any of the levels below to be taken to our secure checkout area.

$1 per day

$2 per day

$3 per day

$5 per day

$10 per day

$20 per day

$30 per day

It’s the goal of TKB to continue working indefinitely to provide great content and educational resources to enhance your learning and give you the tools to make your personal practice more powerful and far-reaching. In short, to give you the most meaningful tools to change your life, and the lives of everyone around you.

We think of these precious teachings as the ultimate public good. A public good is something which should be available freely and openly; something which exists solely for the benefit and improvement of people’s lives.

Many environmental resources are characterized as public goods, including water quality, open space, biodiversity, and a stable climate. These examples stand alongside the classic public goods of lighthouses, roads, and knowledge.

Dharma teachings are a unique and precious resource in this world, and therefore are the ultimate public good. They are like a lighthouse in this world, preventing us from the dangers of crashing on rocks and guiding us to shelter—across the ocean of suffering to a safe harbor on the other shore.

Based on this idea, we firmly believe this website should always exist completely free, as a pure public good. Available freely and openly to anyone, anywhere, and at any time. Whenever someone has a need for it.

We are dealing with knowledge, that if understood and practiced properly, has the unique power to address the most fundamental and crucial problems that all humans will inevitably have to deal with: suffering, unhappiness, old age, sickness, and even death itself. Not to mention its use for immediate aspects of human life: our finances, careers, health, relationships, happiness, and peace of mind.

With this reason in mind, the Buddha makes the following bold statement in The Diamond Cutter Sutra:

O Subhuti, suppose some son or daughter of noble family were to take all the planets of this great world system, a system with a thousand of a thousand of a thousand planets, and fill them all up with the seven kinds of precious substances, and offer them to someone. Suppose on the other hand that one of them held but a single verse of four lines from this particular dharma, and explained it to others, and taught it correctly. By doing the latter, this person would create many more great mountains of merit than with the former: they would be countless, and beyond all estimation.

We are at an unprecedented time in history with the development of technology and the internet. It’s truly a miracle that everyone in the world is now connected in a way which has never existed before. It gives us a unique opportunity to deliver this precious knowledge, which has the power to transform the world, literally right into the palm of their hands!

Behind the scenes it takes a tremendous amount of time and effort to keep this project going, and to keep it free of charge, sustainable, and as a pure public good. To do this we rely entirely upon the generosity of our users.

We prefer a sustainable funding model where we’re actively supported by a small percentage of power-users who value and benefit the most from what we offer. These are people who have the wisdom to understand that if they want to learn and deepen their personal practice, like everything else this also comes from a seed; and the only way to plant that seed is to give that knowledge away to others.

It would be easy for us to approach a few large sponsors, but this wouldn’t be as effective or sustainable. We feel It’s a better model to have as many users contribute smaller amounts—collectively working as karmic shareholders planting the most powerful seeds by helping others to learn and accomplish their goals.








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Cần có rất nhiều thời gian và công sức để cung cấp cho các bạn tất cả nội dung miễn phí này trên trang web The Knowledge Base. Nếu nó có một điều gì đó mà các bạn sử dụng thường xuyên và mang lại lợi ích cho cuộc sống của các bạn, thì hãy xem xét quyên góp một lần hoặc đăng ký là thành viên để các bạn có thể giúp chúng tôi tiếp tục cung cấp nội dung miễn phí cho những người khác. Những đóng góp thường xuyên hàng tháng là những gì giúp chúng tôi nhiều nhất. Những đối tác thành viên đóng góp hàng tháng liên tục cho The Knowledge Base được thanh toán bằng cách chuyển tiền tự động mỗi tháng.

Tất cả các đóng góp đều được đánh giá cao và tất cả đều cho phép chúng tôi tiếp tục công việc biến những bài giảng quý giá này có sẵn miễn phí cho hàng ngàn người sử dụng trên toàn thế giới. Xem bên dưới nếu các bạn thích đóng góp một lần thay vì định kỳ và trở thành Đối tác Thành viên Hàng tháng.

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Donation Options

It takes a great deal of time and effort to provide you with all this free content on The Knowledge Base website. If it’s something that you use regularly and has benefited your life, then please consider giving a one-time donation or signing up for a membership so you can help us to continue providing our free content to others. These regular monthly contributions are what help us the most. Monthly Membership Partners make an an ongoing monthly contribution to The Knowledge Base that is paid by an automatic transfer of funds each month.

All contributions are greatly appreciated and all allow us to continue our work of making these precious teachings available free of charge to thousands of users throughout the world. See below if you would you prefer to give a recurring donation instead and become a Monthly Membership Partner.

Make a one-time donation with a Credit Card

One-Time Donation

Monthly Membership Levels

Click on any of the levels below to be taken to our secure checkout area.

$1 per day

$2 per day

$3 per day

$5 per day

$10 per day

$20 per day

$30 per day