為了使它成為一個更強大的學習工具,我們將每張圖片鏈接到視頻中 Geshe Michael 解釋重要思想的確切時間。 您只需單擊每個 Idim,它就會在精確位置打開視頻。
Idim 36.1: An all-day place to start
Idim 36.2: Lineage holder paying the taxes
Idim 36.3: Light of the world
Idim 36.4: Setting of the sun in our own chest
Idim 36.5: Love in the time of the virus
Idim 36.6: Spreading the teaching, inside
Idim 36.7: Best & worst thing in our whole life
Idim 36.8: It doesn’t end there
Idim 36.9: The kindness of the monks & nuns
Idim 36.10: Your future barrel of peaches
Idim 36.11: Read the recipe
Idim 36.12: Second way to break vows: blow them off
Idim 36.13: Geoff & the gang fight
Idim 36.14: Their lovely insides
Idim 36.15: Happy they have
Idim 36.16: Stars over the ocean
Idim 36.17: The Arya
Idim 36.18: Mindful on the street
Idim 36.19: Return to the original store
Idim 36.20: Finesse the details
Idim 36.21: Finishing touches on a perfect world
Idim 36.22: Yamantaka you wish
Idim 36.23: A topless apple tree
Idim 36.24: Rinpoche’s answer
Idim 36.25: Getting to know you
Idim 36.26: Visiting the middle of the sun
Idim 36.27: Rushing to work
Idim 36.28: Mis-showing the way
Idim 36.29: Olympic warming up
Idim 36.30: Opening act
Idim 36.31: Making it on the tennis team
Idim 36.32: gmr on tennis team made it!
Idim 36.33: Visiting an art museum
Idim 36.34: It might set the sky afire
Idim 36.35: Just feeding a bird
Idim 36.36: Fugu fish Wish
Idim 36.37: My Buddha’s mom & dad
Idim 36.38: In the palm of my hand
Idim 36.39: Gold on the seven seas
Idim 36.40: To Paris without a croissant
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