Donation Options: Give The Gift of Liberation

The Knowledge Base will always be free. Your support helps to make that possible

It takes a great deal of time and effort to provide you with all this free content on The Knowledge Base website. If it’s something that you use regularly and has benefited your life, then please consider giving a one-time donation or signing up for a membership so you can help us to continue providing our free content to others

Open Heart Plan



per day. billed monthly

Supporting the spread of wisdom freely to all.

Gift of Knowledge Plan



per day. billed monthly

Ensuring knowledge remains accessible to all.

Dharma Protector Plan



per day. billed monthly

Empowering free access to timeless teachings.

Path to Liberation Plan



per day. billed monthly

Supporting the journey of learning for all beings.

Open Heart Plan



per month. billed annually

Sustaining the balance of learning and giving.

Gift of Knowledge Plan



per month. billed annually

Giving back to sustain the teachings.

Dharma Protector Plan



per month. billed annually

Carrying the light of wisdom to the world.

Path to Liberation Plan



per month. billed annually

Ensuring teachings are free for all, forever!

The Knowledge Base. The Ultimate Public Good

At The Knowledge Base, our mission is to work tirelessly to provide exceptional content and educational resources that empower your personal practice, making it both profound and far-reaching. Simply put, we aim to equip you with the most meaningful tools to transform your life—and the lives of those around you.

This project is lovingly dedicated to preserving the teachings of our dear and kind teacher, Geshe Michael Roach, whose wisdom, compassion, and tireless dedication have profoundly shaped our lives. His lifelong commitment to the study, practice, and sharing of this beautiful lineage has inspired countless people around the world. Building on his vision, we are committed to continuously enhancing this platform with new features and tools that empower students to deepen their study and practice. By leveraging advancements in technology, we strive to create innovative ways for students to engage with and assimilate this profound knowledge, making it more accessible and interactive than ever before.

We view these teachings as the ultimate public good. A public good is something that should be freely and openly available, existing solely to enhance and improve people’s lives.

Just as environmental resources like clean water, open spaces, biodiversity, and a stable climate are considered public goods, so too are classic examples like lighthouses, roads, and knowledge itself. Dharma teachings, however, are a truly unique and invaluable public good. They are like a lighthouse, guiding us away from the perilous rocks of suffering and towards the safe harbor of peace and understanding.

With this in mind, we believe this website must remain completely free—a pure public good accessible to anyone, anywhere, at any time. Whether in moments of curiosity or times of need, it is here for you.

The knowledge shared here holds the extraordinary power to address life’s most universal challenges: suffering, unhappiness, aging, illness, and even death itself. Beyond that, it provides practical guidance for navigating everyday concerns—finances, careers, health, relationships, happiness, and peace of mind.

It is for these reasons that the Buddha makes the following bold statement in The Diamond Cutter Sutra:

O Subhuti, suppose some son or daughter of noble family were to take all the planets of this great world system, a system with a thousand of a thousand of a thousand planets, and fill them all up with the seven kinds of precious substances, and offer them to someone. Suppose on the other hand that one of them held but a single verse of four lines from this particular dharma, and explained it to others, and taught it correctly. By doing the latter, this person would create many more great mountains of merit than with the former: they would be countless, and beyond all estimation.Lord Buddha

We are living in an unprecedented era. With the advent of technology and the internet, the world is now connected in ways never before imagined. It is nothing short of miraculous that we can now deliver this precious knowledge—knowledge with the power to transform lives—directly into the palm of someone’s hand.

However, sustaining this vision requires immense effort. Behind the scenes, it takes countless hours of dedication to keep this project alive, completely free, and accessible to all. To achieve this, we rely entirely on the generosity of our users.

Our preferred model of support is a sustainable one, where a small percentage of power users—those who deeply value and benefit from our offerings—actively contribute. These individuals understand that learning and deepening personal practice, like everything else, begins with planting a seed. And the most effective way to plant that seed is to give the gift of knowledge to others.

While it might seem easier to seek funding from a few large sponsors, we believe a grassroots approach is more effective and enduring. By encouraging many users to contribute smaller amounts, we collectively act as karmic shareholders—planting seeds of wisdom that help countless others learn and achieve their goals.