A Greater Capacity to Help Others: Similarities Between Christianity and Buddhism (2011, Rochester)

In this talk at the First Congregational Church of Rochester in July of 2011, Geshe Michael Roach talks about developing a higher level of compassion and love for others in the context of the similarities and shared ideas of Buddhism and Christianity.


Most of us would like to have the capacity to help many people. We all sense that we could have a higher capacity for helping others but we’re not exactly sure how it’s going to happen

Most of us would like to have the capacity to help many people. We all sense that we could have a higher capacity for helping others but we’re not exactly sure how it’s going to happen. In Tibet there’s a little instruction book about how to develop and perfect this capacity. It’s called The Eight Verses for Developing a Good Heart.

It was written by a great Buddhist master named Diamond Lion. He lived from (1054-1123) and his book of heart advice to us is full of very practical instructions for being a kinder and more compassionate person, and developing this higher capacity to help others

This teaching is actually the first thing they teach you when you arrive in a Gelukpa monastery in Tibet. It was written by a great Buddhist master named Diamond Lion. He lived from (1054-1123) and his book of heart advice to us is full of very practical instructions for being a kinder and more compassionate person, and developing this higher capacity to help others. Diamond Lion was one of the Kadampas, who were early Buddhists in Tibet. He is also called Geshe Langri Tangpa, after the plains of Langri, which is his native region. He was a sempa chenpo, a highly realized bodhisattva.

Reading Materials

Eight Verses Reading

Geshe Michael Roach
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The Devil Debates an Angel, Part 2: How to Meditate and How Not to Meditate (2011, Phoenix)

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A Gift of Liberation 04: The Energy Retreat (2011, Prescott)