Anytime people meet, both of them want something. Therefore, every time you meet another person it’s a negotiation, and in normal business life the definition of negotiation is to try to get more while trying to give as little as possible. When you talk to your business supplier, when you talk to your investor, when you talk to your business partner, or when you talk to your customer—your goal is to get something for your company while trying to give as little as possible.
This idea hurts everybody. This thinking hurts the whole world and all the people in the world because you don’t just negotiate in your business, you are negotiating every ten minutes. The collective human thinking of the entire world, 8 billion people, is “I should get more than I give”.
Someone who understands emptiness has a completely different goal. This is emptiness negotiation. When 2 people meet each other—in business, in the kitchen, in the coffee shop—both people get double. 1-1 makes 2-2.
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