The Three Principal Paths, written by Tsongkapa the Great, King of the Dharma.
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the three principal paths Alright, answer key class two ready? Here we go … 1. Does merit necessarily lead to nirvana and Buddhahood?... Alright, here we go. So, I’m going to follow the homework master, aren’t you happy? But probably I’ll get... So we have two goals in the evening classes. (1) is to teach the ACI courses again. There are...
The Asian Classics Institute (ACI) is launching its first live teacher training during the Lam Rim intensive event at Diamond...
This course is an excellent overview of the entire Buddhist path; all subsequent courses elaborate upon the ideas presented in this course. This course is based upon The Three Principal Paths (Lamtso Namsum) by Je Tsongkapa (1357-1419), with the commentary of Pabongka Rinpoche (1878-1941).
Hi, welcome back to our retreat together. I like to call it Sending the Virus to the Middle of the...
Class 21: Seeing that the Jail is a Jail Hi, welcome back to the Wheel of Life at-home retreat. And...
Introduction The Asian Classics Institute (ACI) was founded in 1993 by Geshe Michael Roach, for the purpose of sharing the...
Now in our 36th course in study of the Gift of Liberation Thrust into the Palm of Your Hand by... We’re going to go to the lam rim. I’ve been teaching it for eight years. I promised to finish...