A guided meditation through the preliminaries and then on the six flavors of emptiness. It was led by Geshe Michael Roach in January of 2000 in Goa, India at the request of a student.
Options for Further Study
To deepen your study on the six flavors of emptiness introduced in this meditation, please refer to the following course on The Knowledge Base:
Daily Practice Series Course 09: The Emptiness of the Mind (Mahamudra) (1999, Soquel)

This meditation practice focuses on understanding ultimate reality (emptiness) on a more advanced level. Mahamudra is meditation on the ultimate nature of one’s own mind. We meditate on our mind, examining it on six different levels, each one leading to a more sophisticated understanding of our mind and its nature. Meditating on the ultimate nature of one’s own mind is an important part of a larger practice that leads to the direct perception of ultimate reality. The direct experience of ultimate reality is a key meditative realization that assures very quick enlightenment.
- A Gift of Liberation 44: The Spark of Joy (2024, Kyoto) - February 27, 2025
- Idims: Un regalo de liberación 43: El Bodisatva Moderno (2024, Arizona) - May 21, 2024
- Idims: Дар освобождения 43: Современный Бодхисаттва (2024, Arizona) - May 21, 2024