A Thousand Angels
Of the Heaven of Bliss,
A Prayer of Lama Devotion
Please come to me,
Lobsang Drakpa,
King of the Dharma, who knows all things,
Come with your Sons, riding upon
The tops of clouds
Like mountains of pure white snow;
Come from the heart
Of the Lord of a Thousand Angels
Living in the Heaven of Bliss.
Sit in the air
In front of me,
On a throne with cushions
Of the moon,
and the lotus;
Set on the backs of lions.
My holy Lama,
With pure white smile,
Happy with me,
I ask you to stay
For a million years
To spread the teaching;
Stay, for there is no one Higher than you
With whom I may make merit
By goodness of my faith.
Your Mind
Is knowledge
That wraps around
The entire mass
Of knowable things.
Your Words
Are jewels
Of good explanation
That we the fortunate
Wear on our ears.
Your Body
Shines forth
Shines with brightness
Shines with a glory
The world will see.
I bow to You;
Just to see You
Just to hear You
Just to think of You
Brings great things.
I make in my mind
And place here as well
An ocean of gifts
That could cover the sky;
Presents to please
All of Your senses,
Every different color of flower,
Sweetest fragrant incense,
Lamps of light, perfumes
Upon your body,
And other gifts as well,
Do I offer You,
There is no higher
With whom I may make merit.
From deep within my heart,
I am sorry, deeply,
And openly confess
One by one
The harm that I have done
In my acts or words or thoughts;
Any and every wrong
Kept with me from time
With no beginning;
Especially what I may have done
Against any one
Of the three different kinds
Of vows.
Here in the age
Of degeneration
You made every effort
To gain great learning;
You threw away
The eight worldly thoughts
And so made use
Of Your leisure and fortune.
Savior, we rejoice
We are glad, happy deep inside,
For what you have done,
So good and powerful.
Holy lamas high,
Wrap the sky
Of your dharma bodies
In massive clouds
Of knowledge and love
And let them pour
Upon the earth
Of your disciples,
As we are ready,
A shower of rain,
The Teachings
Deep and wide.
May any goodness I have done
With this my prayer
Be a help to the teachings
And to every living being.
I make a special prayer too
That for many years to come
I may carry forth The Light,
The Essence of the Word,
The Teachings of Je Tsongkapa.
Come I pray and sit
My root Lama
Shining and precious
Upon the lotus
Atop my head;
Take me after You
In great kindness,
Grant that I attain
Your body, speech and mind.
I pray to the One who
Holds the Diamond
The source from where
Every goal is found;
I pray to Loving Eyes
Treasure of love
With no one it loves;
I pray to Soft Glorious Voice
Lord of knowledge
That has no stain;
I pray to the Keeper of the Secret
Who smashes all
The army of demons;
I pray to Tsongkapa
Crowning jewel
Of masters of the Land of Snow;
I pray to One,
I pray at the feet,
I pray to Lobsang Drakpa.
Come I pray and sit
My root Lama
Shining and precious
Upon the lotus
In my heart;
Take me after You
In great kindness,
Grant that I attain
Your body, speech and mind.
Come I pray and sit
My root Lama
Shining and precious
Upon the lotus
In my heart;
Take me after You
In great kindness,
Grant that I attain
Both common and highest goals.
Come I pray and sit
My root Lama
Shining and precious
Upon the lotus
In my heart;
Take me after You
In great kindness,
Stay here never moving
Until the Buddha’s essence.
Through all the string of my future lives
May Tsongkapa the Victor come to me
And serve himself as my spiritual guide
In the teachings of the Greater Way.
In all my lives
May I never live
Apart from my perfect lamas,
May I bask
In the glory
Of the Dharma.
May I fulfil
Every good quality
Of every level
And path,
And reach then quickly
The place where I Become myself
The One who Holds the Diamond.
- A Gift of Liberation 44: The Spark of Joy (2024, Kyoto) - February 27, 2025
- Idims: Un regalo de liberación 43: El Bodisatva Moderno (2024, Arizona) - May 21, 2024
- Idims: Дар освобождения 43: Современный Бодхисаттва (2024, Arizona) - May 21, 2024