ACI Course 17: The Great Ideas of Buddhism, Part 2 (1999, New York)

The fifteen Formal Study Courses cover the main ideas of the entire course of study followed by a Tibetan monk-scholar (or geshe) at one of the great monasteries of Tibet. This course summarizes the great ideas of the ACI Course Six through Ten. The first half of each class in this course was taught by Geshe Michael and is available below. The second half of each class occurred in smaller study groups which were not recorded.

This course was taught by Geshe Michael Roach in New York, NY in the summer of 1999. All audio and reading materials are located below.

Course Materials

Course Materials




Geshe Michael Roach
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The Wheel of Knives (1998, New York, Geshe Michael Roach)

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The Wheel of Life in the Heart Sutra (1999, San Francisco)