Geshe Michael Roach gave two days of special teachings on meditation and the nature of the mind from his home in Arizona. These teachings are taken directly from The Angel Debates The Devil, a dialogue between the good and evil that happens in our mind, by Lobsang Chukyi Gyeltsen. The text is at the same time extremely funny and extremely deep, as it reveals the tricky ways that our mind deceives us into believing we are thinking and acting in a way that actually helps us. This teaching will help us to unravel these seductive arguments of the Devil in our own mind to order to be successful in this life, and to learn how to develop the skills necessary to confront any obstacle.
The traditional name of our text is An Argument with the Tendency to Think that Things are Real. It was written by Lobsang Chukyi Gyeltsen, who lived 1565-1662. He was above all an extraordinary practitioner, thinker, and contemplator; a yogi; a poet and writer among the greatest who have ever lived; and an ardent pacifist who once stopped a war single-handedly, by walking out between the opposing armies.
What’s amazing is that—as we listen to the Devil and the Angel debating—we unexpectedly begin to get some new ideas about how the world around us works: why things happen to us the way they do, why we meet the people we do. By the end of the fight, we have a lot of what we need to know to change our own life—to be happier, and make those around us happy.
The genre of the work that we will be learning in this course series is known as Mahamudra, or the Great Seal. This is a practice where we try to come to an understanding of emptiness by observing our own mind in meditation, and grasping how the mind itself—like all other things—is empty of being itself, by itself.
You can review all of the other teachings in this series by clicking the image below:
Reading Materials
This is a video playlist starting with the most recently posted class. Just click for the next video to see additional videos in the series.
Сессия 15 “Дебаты ангела с дьяволом”: Вступая в наш следующий мир (2022, Аризона)
Мы продолжаем изучение эпической поэмы под названием “Дебаты ангела с дьяволом”, написанной Его Святейшеством Первым Панчен-ламой Лобсангом Чуки Гьелценом около 400 лет назад.
Сессия 15 “Дебаты ангела с дьяволом”: Вступая в наш следующий мир (PDF)
Это видео плейлист, начинающийся с последнего опубликованного класса. Просто нажмите на следующее видео, чтобы увидеть другие видео в серии.
我們繼續學習史詩《天使與魔鬼之辯》,這首詩是由一世班禪喇嘛洛桑·曲 吉·堅贊在大約 400 年前寫的。
格西麥克羅琦將會有兩天對空性進行特別的教授。 教學內容直接取自與《天使與惡魔之辯》,這是第一世班禪喇嘛(1565-1662)所撰寫的古老藏文對空性的教授。並且文本極其風趣和深奧。它能幫助我們獲得此生與來世的成功
Chúng ta tiếp tục với nghiên cứu của chúng ta về bài thơ sử thi có tựa đề là “Thiên Thần Tranh Luận Với Ác Quỷ,” được viết bởi Đức Panchen Lama Thứ Nhất, Lobsang Chukyi Gyeltsen, vào khoảng 400 năm trước.
Phần 15 Của “Thiên Thần Tranh Luận Với Ác Quỷ”: Bước Vào Thế Giới Tiếp Theo Của Chúng Ta (PDF)
Đây là danh sách các video được bắt đầu với những lớp đã được đăng tải gần đây nhất. Chỉ cần nhấp vào cho video tiếp theo để xem các video bổ sung trong những chuỗi này
Continuamos con nuestro estudio del poema épico titulado «El Ángel debate con el Diablo», escrito por Su Santidad el Primer Panchen Lama, Lobsang Chukyi Gyeltsen, hace aproximadamente 400 años.
Reading Materials
Sesión 15 de «El Ángel debate con el Diablo»: Entrando en nuestro próximo mundo (PDF)
Esta es una lista de reproducción de video, que comienza con la ultima clase publicada. Solo da un click para el siguiente video y videos adicionales de la serie.
Folge 15 von “Der Engel deba�iert mit dem Teufel”: Der Schri� in unsere nächste Welt (2022, Arizona)
Wir se�en unser Studium des epischen Gedichts “Der Engel deba�iert mit dem Teufel” fort, das von Seiner Heiligkeit dem Ersten Panchen Lama, Lobsang Chukyi Gyeltsen, vor etwa 400 Jahren geschrieben wurde.
Das ist eine Video Playlist, die mit der jeweils letzten Klasse beginnt. Klicke einfach auf das nächste Video, um die ganze Video Serie zu sehen.
Sesi 15 dari “Malaikat Mendebat Iblis”: Melangkah ke Dunia Kita Selanjutnya (2022, Arizona)
Kita melanjutkan studi tentang puisi epik berjudul “Malaikat Mendebat Iblis,” ditulis oleh Yang Mulia Panchen Lama Pertama, Lobsang Chukyi Gyeltsen, sekitar 400 tahun yang lalu.
- Дар освобождения 42: Сила Мечты: Воплощаем Великие Идеи В Жизнь (2023, Kyoto) - March 29, 2025
- Món Quà của Sự Giải Thoát 42: Năng Lực Đối Với Mơ Ước: Đưa Những Ý Tưởng Vĩ Đại Vào Đời Sống (2023, Kyoto) - March 29, 2025
- Un regalo de liberación 42: El Poder De Soñar: Dando Vida a Grandes Ideas (2023, Kyoto) - March 29, 2025