The Asian Classics Institute (ACI) is launching its first live teacher training during the Lam Rim intensive event at Diamond...
In the pristine, high desert of Arizona, we will go into a 10-day retreat exploration of our mental mind fields....
Geshe Michael Roach gave three days of special teachings on meditation and the nature of the mind in Sedona. These teachings are taken directly from The Angel Debates The Devil, a dialogue between the good and evil that happens in our mind, by Lobsang Chukyi Gyeltsen. The text is at the same time extremely funny and extremely deep, as it reveals the tricky ways that our mind deceives us into believing we are thinking and acting in a way that actually helps us. This teaching will help us to unravel these seductive arguments of the Devil in our own mind to order to be successful in this life, and to learn how to develop the skills necessary to confront any obstacle.
Geshe Michael Roach gives a really inspiring and deep teaching at The Three jewels in New York City about 9...
This brilliant wisdom of Nagarjuna, now shared with us by Geshe Michael Roach, shows how to give and receive more affection with everyone we meet. Ultimately, love serves a purpose beyond our own close relationships, to make a world full of compassion bigger than we can imagine.
This is a special class that Geshe Michael taught to the volunteers during the recent retreat in Thailand. It focuses on Buddhism’s most important idea, from perhaps the most influential work ever written on emptiness, from the most important teacher of emptiness to come after the Buddha — Arya Nagarjuna. Geshe Michael manages to masterfully weave the very heart of this idea into a very real life example that we can all use in our everyday lives.
Lam Rim Review IDIMs This is a video playlist. Just click for the next video to see additional videos in...
Geshe Michael Roach will be offering three days of special teachings on meditation and the nature of the mind in...
In the pristine, high desert of Arizona, Geshe Michael Roach will lead us through a 10-day retreat exploration of Arya Nagarjuna’s Wisdom. We will investigate the deeper meanings of his writings, and how to apply his understanding of reality to our daily lives.
This presentation provides a good overview of how karma and emptiness (ultimate reality) interact to form you, your world, and all of its experiences. Ultimate reality is described along with the principles of karma, and how those two come together to form all things and experiences. The union of karma and emptiness is the basis of all reality, and this practice explores what you can do to affect and change your reality. It is a wonderful practice to transform the world around you by understanding the laws of karma, and the idea of ultimate reality, in your everyday life.
These are two public talks that Geshe Michael Roach taught in Raleigh, North Carolina back in April, 1999. Death is feared, avoided, and denied in ways that often causes us to live as if we will never die. At the end of life, people often die with intense regret from not having done the important things they wanted to do in their life. Acknowledging the fact that we will die, and that we have a limited, unknown amount of time left is essential to making our life choices. By meditating on death in the proper way, we can make every moment of life precious and meaningful. A good death meditation results in a happy, clear mind, free of anxiety and fear. One learns to live each day of life as if it were the last, thereby avoiding meaningless activity and spending each moment in the most fulfilling way possible.
Topics include: an Abhidharma overview; the definition and nature of karma; good, bad and neutral karma; karma of body, speech, and mind; the definition of virtue and non-virtue; black and white deeds; projecting and finishing karma; karmic consequences; how karma is carried; how emptiness allows karma to function; karmic paths; the five immediate misdeeds; how to make a karmic result powerful; and the purification of karma.
By meditating on death in the proper way, we can make every moment of life precious and meaningful. A good death meditation results in a happy, clear mind, free of anxiety and fear. One learns to live each day of life as if it were the last, thereby avoiding meaningless activity and spending each moment in the most fulfilling way possible.
Here’s a really nice teaching from our archives of Geshe Michael teaching in Mongolia in 1999. This was part of...
This is a mnemonic system which Geshe Michael has designed and coined the term "Idim" (idea images) which gives students and teachers a very powerful tool to learn, review, and meditate on all of the great ideas of the Diamond Cutter Sutra in a series of easily recallable images from Master Kamalashila's great commentary.
Around 1000 AD, 1500 years after the time of the Buddha, the Tibetans undertook a monumental task: to translate thousands of pages of Buddhist literature from Sanskrit into Tibetan. It took them 700 years to complete translations of the kangyur (the word of the Buddha) and the tengyur (the Indian commentaries). Now, as Buddhism has been making a big push westward, Geshe Michael’s aim is to complete an even larger task: to translate hundreds of thousands of pages of Buddhist literature into modern languages. Since the blossoming of Buddhism in Tibet, no less than 200,000 pages of brilliant commentary have been composed by masters and scholars in the Tibetan language. In this ongoing series of courses, Geshe Michael’s goal is to create and guide a team of young translators to translate these great classics.
During the last two years, in silent retreats at Diamond Mountain Retreat Center, we’ve learned and meditated upon the great ideas of the Diamond Cutter Sutra. We’ve used the ancient Indian commentary of Master Kamalashila, with secrets that haven’t been explored for over a thousand years. In the final teaching of this series, the Buddha answers five mysterious questions from his student, Subhuti. Somewhere in the answers to all these questions is the key to getting everything we want in our life. We’ll explore the inside of our minds during the all-day retreat, following a daily, dawn session, exploring these questions. You’ll also learn new parts of the Lion’s Dance that we’ve never covered before to go deeper.