Idea Images
Here is a collection of Idea Images (Idims) which represent all the important ideas for these courses. It’s a great tool to connect the image mentally with the important idea. There’s a tradition in this lineage that when you learn a topic you review it at least two times after the class. Preferably once on the day of the class and preferably once the next day or two days later. As Geshe Michael pointed out in this course: “I personally think it’s a great idea to do your traditional lineage required review by just looking at the pictures. Personally I make myself breakfast and I set the images down on the table and I slop food into my mouth, and I drink my coffee and try to remember what was this picture about. And for me it’s a very pleasant breakfast. It’s kind of like a Dharma breakfast.”
Idims: Un regalo de liberación 43: El Bodisatva Moderno (2024, Arizona)
Para hacer de esta una herramienta de estudio aún más poderosa, vinculamos cada imagen con el momento exacto en el video donde Geshe Michael explica la idea importante. Simplemente puede hacer clic en cada Idim y se abrirá el video en la ubicación precisa.