Anytime people meet, both of them want something. Therefore, every time you meet another person it’s a negotiation, and in...
Change the World
The goal of the Diamond Cutter Institute is to help people around the world achieve success in every aspect of their lives: to reach financial prosperity and a successful and satisfying career; to become full of energy; to enjoy warm and lasting personal relationships; to become a calm and more focused person; and to help change our family, our community, and our country. The Diamond Cutter Institute offers one important new idea to make all these things happen. It is based upon the abiding truth that everything which happens to us in life comes from the way that we treat other people. Geshe Michael now travels the world sharing the ancient wisdom he has learned, in lectures, workshops, and weekend retreat seminars. If you would like more information or to register for one of DCI’s upcoming events please visit the DCI website.
Geshe Michael Roach sharing a very powerful method for putting an end to conflict and bringing about change on a global level. Each of us has a chance to change the entire world, but that all depends on our moment-to-moment interactions with other people throughout the day. Armed with the power of a deep understanding of where events in this world are truly coming from, we can use our love and compassion to undertake a very practical method to put an ultimate end to all conflict and violence in the world.
The Gem & Jewellery Export Promotion Council (GJEPC), Bharat Diamond Bourse and IDEX International Diamond Exchange, in conjunction with the...
In his TEDx talk, Geshe Michael Roach shared a teaching from the oldest printed book in the world — The...
Here's a short video clip of Geshe Michael Roach where he discusses how transforming the world all hinges on our ability to change our instinctual behavior
How can ancient Buddhist wisdom guide us to reach modern financial prosperity and a successful, satisfying career; to become full of energy; to enjoy warm and lasting personal relationships?
Here's a short video clip of Geshe Michael Roach laying out his vision for changing the future of the world.
Here’s a short video clip of Geshe Michael Roach teaching in Oslo, Norway about the the theory of planting karmic seeds and how it relates to a very practical vision for changing the entire world.
In these two nights of public talks you’ll learn how to: Unleash your mind power to Develop Mental Focus for success in Business & Life, Discover the hidden potential in creating success: why strategies don’t always work, and learn how to “load” a strategy, and how to strengthen your mind to be able to concentrate and think quickly & clearly!
El objetivo de los negocios y de la antigua sabiduría tibetana y, de hecho, de toda iniciativa humana es enriquecernos logrando prosperidad externa e interna. Pero sólo seremos capaces de disfrutar dicha prosperidad si nos mantenemos en un buen grado de salud física y mental. Y a lo largo de nuestra vida hemos de buscar métodos para darle a esta prosperidad un significado en gran escala.
Michael Roach, primer monje budista estadounidense que alcanzó el grado de Gueshe y uno de los más populares profesores de Budismo Tibetano en Occidente, vendrá al Perú como parte su gira internacional del presente año. Roach, conocido popularmente como Gueshe Michael, ofrecido tres distintas conferencias públicas en Lima, que se celebró en el Auditorio Juan Julio Wicht, de la Universidad del Pacífico.
In diesem vortrag werden Roach und sein Team von erfahrenen Lehrern des Diamond Cutter Instituts die Teilnehmer darin unterrichten, wie sie Beziehungen mit Geschäftspartnern und Konkurrenten, aber auch persönliche Beziehungen und die Beziehung zu sich selbst, positiver gestalten können.
After many years of teaching with the Diamond Cutter Institute all over the world, this is the first time that Geshe Michael Roach taught these principles in his home town of Phoenix, Arizona. In this two night lecture, Geshe Michael teaches how to achieve success in every aspect of your life
במהלך 15 שנה, שימש רואץ’, כסגן נשיא ומנהל חטיבת היהלומים בחברת Andin International. בתקופת כהונתו, עבד רואץ’ על פי עקרונות הניהול הקארמי המבוססים על הפילוסופיה הבודהיסטית, והחברה הכפילה מידי שנה את מחזורה במשך כ-10 שנים ברציפות והגיעה למחזור של 100 מיליון דולר.
A 30 minute talk by Geshe Michael Roach in Buenos Aires, Argentina. What would happen in the world if everyone believes that the only way to make money is to help another human being?
Audio of the DCI Level Two, Public Lecture in Moscow, 2012.
This talk is about how to plan for growth–your company, department, career–while not forgetting about your community. It’s about the right kind of success, with the right kinds of methods. We may feel torn by conflicting demands from work, family and community. But it’s possible to plant seeds for success–meaningful work and a meaningful life–right now, from the beginning.
Le monde change ! C’est une réalité pour la Nature comme pour nos entreprises. Nous perdons nos repères et pouvons avoir le sentiment de naviguer à vue dans un environnement économique et naturel devenu instable, voire hostile.
Michael Roach ist nicht nur erfolgreicher Unternehmer, sondern auch buddhistischer Gelehrter. Nach fünf Jahren wird er zum ersten Mal wieder in Deutschland sein und Anfang September in Hamburg Vorträge zum Thema „Altes Weisheitswissen für Erfolge heute“ halten.
The tide of business is turning away from the “greed is good” philosophy of the 20th century. Corporate social responsibility and sustainable practices are being encouraged and is the norm in the current economic climate.