We love to get to the yoga studio and sweat—afterwards we feel loose and energized. If we keep it up,...
Help them define their dream So far, we’ve been talking about how to get your students to come back to...
Here's a little gem from our archives. This is a guided meditation led by Geshe Michael Roach to a few of his close students and was recorded on the morning of April 4, 1999 at 6th Street in New York City. It's a very special guided meditation which focuses on the breath, and the sound and meaning of Om.
There is a strong relationship between our ability to love and our inner body of channels, chakras, and prana. Great yogis of ancient times mapped out this inner body, sometimes called the Rainbow Body, and found methods of using it not only for greater health, but for greater knowledge—and for a greater capacity to love.
The great meditation classics of India and Tibet describe a special type of prana, or inner wind, which we can learn to direct through our body in order to bring our mind out of this subtle wandering and return it to sharp, single-pointed focus. In these four days of teaching at Diamond Mountain Retreat Center, Geshe Michael Roach will take us on an exploration through the nature of these subtle meditation obstacles, and inner techniques to overcome them by moving the prana through our channels and chakras.
Deep down we all want to love, and to be loved. And it’s two kinds of love we want. First of all, we would like someone that we can spend our life with – someone who is all the things we are looking for, who will stay with us and always continue to be a joy. At the same time we hunger for a higher kind of love. We feel almost a responsibility to love everyone around us, but sometimes we don't know how we can. And there certainly seems to us that there is a big distance between the two kinds of love. We don't see how love for our partner could take us to that higher kind of love, for everyone around us. It's a surprise to hear that the Yoga Sutra, written almost 2,000 years ago, has an answer for finding both kinds of love.
In this course, we will be studying the most important ideas of the Yoga Sutra. If we really understand these ideas, they can help us reach success in almost everything we do: our work, our health, and our relationships. These ideas were covered by Geshe Michael in three days of talks, each one with a different theme.
Lady Niguma is a woman yogi from India who lived a thousand years ago. She taught a special kind of yoga which removes the stress and trouble of modern working life at the same time that it keeps us young and fit. In this workshop Geshe Michael teaches us the history of Lady Niguma through stories, and gives an in depth presentation of her yoga and how it works. This workshop includes lecture, music, and a guided asana practice.
Lady Niguma is a woman yogi from India who lived a thousand years ago. She taught a special kind of yoga which removes the stress and trouble of modern working life at the same time that it keeps us young and fit. In this workshop Geshe Michael teaches us the history of Lady Niguma through stories, and gives an in depth presentation of her yoga and how it works. This workshop includes lecture, music, and a guided asana practice.
In these two nights of talks, Geshe Michael proposes a radically different method‘from the point of view of physical yoga practice‘of finding the partner of your dreams, of sustaining a good relationship with them over a long period of time, and eventually using that relationship as a way to help the entire world.
Geshe Michael Roach teaching about the theory and history of Lady Niguma's Yoga at the Asia Yoga Conference in May, 2010. Taught in English and interpreted into Mandarin Chinese.
Geshe Michael returns to Princeton University, as invited by Dean Paul Raushenbush, to give a Yoga Master Class Lecture on the comparison of Tibetan Yoga and the Yoga Sutras.
Lady Niguma is a woman yogi from India who lived a thousand years ago. She taught a special kind of yoga which removes the stress and trouble of modern working life at the same time that it keeps us young and fit. In this teacher training at Pure Yoga in Hong Kong, Geshe Michael teaches the history of Lady Niguma through stories, and gives an in depth presentation of her yoga and how it works. This workshop includes lecture, music, and a guided asana practice.
Lady Niguma is a woman yogi from India who lived a thousand years ago. She taught a special kind of yoga which removes the stress and trouble of modern working life at the same time that it keeps us young and fit. In this teacher training at Pure Yoga in Singapore, Geshe Michael teaches us the history of Lady Niguma through stories, and gives an in depth presentation of her yoga and how it works. This workshop includes lecture, music, and a guided asana practice.
Lady Niguma is a woman yogi from India who lived a thousand years ago. She taught a special kind of yoga which removes the stress and trouble of modern working life at the same time that it keeps us young and fit. In this workshop Geshe Michael teaches us the history of Lady Niguma through stories, and gives an in depth presentation of her yoga and how it works. This workshop includes lecture, music, and a guided asana practice.
The Yoga Sutra was written in India about 2,000 years ago, and is considered the source of almost all the great teachings on yoga. It is organized around the ashtanga, or “eight branches of yoga,” which include not just the physical exercises but also things like meditation, mental calmness, and proper breathing.
Lady Niguma is a woman yogi from India who lived a thousand years ago. She taught a special kind of yoga which removes the stress and trouble of modern working life at the same time that it keeps us young and fit.
Kalachakra is an ancient Buddhist tradition; the meaning of the word is “Wheel of Time.” In ancient scriptures the Kalachakra means a round-shaped ship which came to earth from another world, bringing the teachings of yoga and explanations of how the poses of yoga create your world.
Geshe Michael gave this talk in New York City offering some practical advice on raising children. While this talk is obviously geared towards parents, this beautiful advice is relevant to anyone trying to be a better person and live a more meaningful life.
TThere is a very famous idea in Buddhism, and also in the yoga traditions, which means to go for refuge—to go for shelter or to seek protection. In this short talk Geshe Michael Roach discusses this idea of real, or ultimate protection, specifically in the context of the deeper goals of Yoga.