This talk is about how to plan for growth–your company, department, career–while not forgetting about your community. It’s about the right kind of success, with the right kinds of methods. We may feel torn by conflicting demands from work, family and community. But it’s possible to plant seeds for success–meaningful work and a meaningful life–right now, from the beginning.
Now or later?
Now or later?
Many very successful startup founders and early employees have begun looking for some other kind of value–more than money, more than a successful business. A way to give back to the community. And many of us think this way: once I’m successful, I’m going to give back. But maybe you can begin now.
My success or yours?
But right now we are focused on finding more customers, increasing the staff, or securing the next round of funding. If we’re a small retail store or a mid-stage startup or in a company with 1000 employees, there’s a plan to double or triple in size. With growth comes concerns: what happens to my department as we grow? how do I insure my success–how do I climb with the company? How do I succeed?
What if you could work from the beginning on ways to insure your success, your company’s success and that of your colleagues in and outside your department. What if it’s not a zero-sum game?
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