Stillness is a sublime, exalted state of mediation, a single-pointed, undistracted concentration. You must reach Stillness in order to attain any of the highest spiritual realizations — Perception of Emptiness, Great Compassion, Clear Light. What is the true cause for reaching Stillness? It is keeping your sacred pledges. They become the wings that lift you into highest realms
What is the true cause for reaching Stillness? It is keeping your sacred pledges. They become the wings that lift you into highest realms.
Inside the sacred meditation space of our Great Retreat Valley, Geshe Michael will reveal these secrets in ways you may not have heard before. If your heart seeks the highest spiritual realms, you do not want to miss listening to this one-of-kind teaching.
Course Materials
Geshe Michael’s Teaching Notes
- A Gift of Liberation 44: The Spark of Joy (2024, Kyoto) - February 27, 2025
- Idims: Un regalo de liberación 43: El Bodisatva Moderno (2024, Arizona) - May 21, 2024
- Idims: Дар освобождения 43: Современный Бодхисаттва (2024, Arizona) - May 21, 2024