Atención: Para hacer de esta una herramienta de estudio aún más poderosa, vinculamos cada imagen con el momento exacto en el video donde Geshe Michael explica la idea importante. Simplemente puede hacer clic en cada Idim y se abrirá el video en la ubicación precisa.
Idim 4.1: A Review and word-by-word commentary of the title – “A Ship on the Sea of Emptiness”
Idim 4.2: Causes are the Key
Idim 4.3: Which part of my foot is gone, and which part is going?
Idim 4.4: But Buddha said, in the first turning, that the parts do have a nature
Idim 4.5: Don’t the agents have some nature to do something?
Idim 4.6: Agents & actions in the sense of coming & going from lives to lives
Idim 4.7: How could anyone have been there, before?
Idim 4.8: Fire & firewood: there was someone there before!
Idim 4.9: Not just no beginning, but there never was
Idim 4.10: An Investigation of Factors (really = illusion). Anyone who cheats us lies to us
Idim 4.11: When you want money enough to hurt someone, you can’t touch it
Idim 4.12: What is white karma?
Idim 4.13: A temple with a stone wall
Idim 4.14: A pile of leaves blown in the wind
Idim 4.15: The necessary details of our general relationship to emptiness
Idim 4.16: Two steps to engaging in emptiness
Idim 4.17: No me leading to no mine
Idim 4.18: Investigation, and living with the results
Idim 4.19
Idim 4.20: Me as body and mind never in an instant
Idim 4.21: Gone in the next instant, and in the next life
Idim 4.22: Where there are no two, there is no relationship
Idim 4.23: There would have to be two me’s
Idim 4.24: There would be no indication that I had been; or was; or would be there
Idim 4.25: Nothing to see, and no one to feel
Idim 4.26: It’s mine!
Idim 4.27: Me & mine: two parts to the view of destruction
Idim 4.28: Those who see, do not
Idim 4.29: Grasping to the pretty; to my wrong ideas; to a “me”; and to disastrous practices, all leading to another kind of taking
Idim 4.30: Looking at things the wrong way
Idim 4.31: Again, the idea of fixing the sink— rather than constantly mopping up puddles
Idim 4.32: Three kinds of me’s: all of them approved, all of them wrong
Idim 4.33: Another version of the three denials
Idim 4.34: Why the Buddha never teaches
Idim 4.35: The different kinds of pure
Idim 4.36: Not something that someone can describe to you
Idim 4.37: Peace, in its very essence
Idim 4.38: Inexpressible with normal words
Idim 4.39: Devoid of conceptual thought
Idim 4.40: Inseparable emptiness
Idim 4.41: The connection of a keystroke and a screen
Idim 4.42: Plant the seeds for Joe
Idim 4.43: The present and the future must depend on the past; but then….
Idim 4.44: And what if the present and future did not exist in the past?
Idim 4.44: And what if the present and future did not exist in the past?
Idim 4.45: Which happens first, the future or the past?
Idim 4.46: What is the difference between the present & the future depending on the past naturally, and not in that way?
Idim 4.47: A non-relativity that now goes all different possible ways [it’s not just that present & future should depend on the past]
Idim 4.48: The same problem of non-relativity with any such set made of ones
Idim 4.49: False units of time, for no one could ever hold them
Idim 4.50: If “a book in the present moment” isn’t there really, then neither is the present moment it possesses
Idim 4.51: time as a segue to causes & conditions, in two different senses
Idim 4.52: Is the result already there, in the convening of causes & conditions?
Idim 4.53: If the result is not already there, in the convening of causes & conditions, it could never grow; for a s-e result could never change
Idim 4.54: A result in the consummate collection should be something we could perceive
Idim 4.55: A consummate collection without a result could also be a lump of coal
Idim 4.56: The hi-octane gas & the disappearing car
Idim 4.57: If the cause stopped first, then the result would have no cause
Idim 4.58: The seed could never remain once the trunk has grown
Idim 4.59: A future result that existed already would not depend upon the consummate collection
Idim 4.60: A cause like an actor on the stage
Idim 4.61: An infinite progression of results
Idim 4.62: Options for the first of seven possibilities; starting with a cause that stops before its result begins
Idim 4.62a: The parts coated with a luminous image

Idim 4.63: “In sight of,”or “anticipate”; if the cause can anticipate, then it has lost its job
Idim 4.64: If the result were not in sight, one cause would trigger all possible results
Idim 4.65: Is it that a cause already past triggers a result also past?
Idim 4.66: Is it that a cause that is yet to come triggers a result that is past?
Idim 4.67: Is it that a resultwhich is past touches a present cause already arisen?
Idim 4.68: Is it that a present result is triggered by a cause which is yet to come?
Idim 4.69: Could there be a touching that existed in and of itself?
Idim 4.70: The concept of a pointless starting
Idim 4.71: The necessary meeting of ends {front & back ends}
Idim 4.72: Pieces meeting is enough
Idim 4.73: Water: a cause empty of its result
Idim 4.74: How can an empty thing start and stop?
Idim 4.75: The mother is her baby
Idim 4.76: An elephant gave birth to her baby
Idim 4.77: Too late for seeds to work
Idim 4.78: Nothing for seeds to do
Idim 4.79: If it didn’t start something from its own side, it never existed from its own side
Idim 4.80: The consummate collection is not solid enough to produce a result
Idim 4.80a: the carving for the above question
Idim 4.81: Life that never had death, or death while we are still alive.
Idim 4.82: A room that is all dark and all lit up at the same time…
Idim 4.83: Together, or separate?
Idim 4.84: Anything that does something must thereby wear out
Idim 4.85: Neither both here nor either here
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