Chú ý: Để làm cho công cụ nghiên cứu này trở nên mạnh mẽ hơn nữa, chúng tôi đã liên kết từng hình ảnh với thời gian chính xác trong video nơi Geshe Michael giải thích ý tưởng quan trọng. Bạn chỉ cần nhấp vào từng Idim và nó sẽ mở video ở vị trí chính xác.
Idim 36.1: An all-day place to start
Idim 36.2: Lineage holder paying the taxes
Idim 36.3: Light of the world
Idim 36.4: Setting of the sun in our own chest
Idim 36.5: Love in the time of the virus
Idim 36.6: Spreading the teaching, inside
Idim 36.7: Best & worst thing in our whole life
Idim 36.8: It doesn’t end there
Idim 36.9: The kindness of the monks & nuns
Idim 36.10: Your future barrel of peaches
Idim 36.11: Read the recipe
Idim 36.12: Second way to break vows: blow them off
Idim 36.13: Geoff & the gang fight
Idim 36.14: Their lovely insides
Idim 36.15: Happy they have
Idim 36.16: Stars over the ocean
Idim 36.17: The Arya
Idim 36.18: Mindful on the street
Idim 36.19: Return to the original store
Idim 36.20: Finesse the details
Idim 36.21: Finishing touches on a perfect world
Idim 36.22: Yamantaka you wish
Idim 36.23: A topless apple tree
Idim 36.24: Rinpoche’s answer
Idim 36.25: Getting to know you
Idim 36.26: Visiting the middle of the sun
Idim 36.27: Rushing to work
Idim 36.28: Mis-showing the way
Idim 36.29: Olympic warming up
Idim 36.30: Opening act
Idim 36.31: Making it on the tennis team
Idim 36.32: gmr on tennis team made it!
Idim 36.33: Visiting an art museum
Idim 36.34: It might set the sky afire
Idim 36.35: Just feeding a bird
Idim 36.36: Fugu fish Wish
Idim 36.37: My Buddha’s mom & dad
Idim 36.38: In the palm of my hand
Idim 36.39: Gold on the seven seas
Idim 36.40: To Paris without a croissant
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