Chú ý: Để làm cho công cụ nghiên cứu này trở nên mạnh mẽ hơn nữa, chúng tôi đã liên kết từng hình ảnh với thời gian chính xác trong video nơi Geshe Michael giải thích ý tưởng quan trọng. Bạn chỉ cần nhấp vào từng Idim và nó sẽ mở video ở vị trí chính xác.
Idim 37.1: Making it on the tennis team
Idim 37.2: Handing us our degree
Idim 37.3: Not just a “bodhisattva”
Idim 37.4: Hope for all of us
Idim 37.5: A shifting skyscraper
Idim 37.6: Good birds, but the sun
Idim 37.7: The real thing, from the depths of the sea
Idim 37.8: The once & future King
Idim 37.9: From the ashes of a normal suffering life
Idim 37.10: The power even of fragments
Idim 37.11: The gold is not much compared to the diamond
Idim 37.12: Even a coffee, and even unknown
Idim 37.13: The best things take time, and hard work
Idim 37.14: The infinite power of hearing just once about the infinite
Idim 37.15: Connecting to the four spaces
Idim 37.16: The millionaire
Idim 37.17: An ancient precedent: honoring where we came from
Idim 37.18: Honoring what will be
Idim 37.19: Better than picking up stones
Idim 37.20: Gathering, cleaning, clearing
Idim 37.21: The alchemical elixir within the two collections
Idim 37.22:The difference between skin and living diamond
Idim 37.23: The eternal peach
Idim 37.24: Sparrows & McDonald’s fries
Idim 37.25: What is 1 x countless?
Idim 37.26: The tornado & the butter lamp
Idim 37.27: A delightful way to pile up good karma
Idim 37.28: Trying to fix a single headache
Idim 37.29: Meals for centuries
Idim 37.30: A ketchup stain to the middle of the sun
Idim 37.31: The power of the dog
Idim 37.32: A master climber on a treacherous mountain
Idim 37.33: A city in the sun
Idim 37.34: Just the idea of helping countless beings on countless planets
Idim 37.35: The machine behind the Diamond Way
Idim 37.36: The malfunction in the machine
Idim 37.37: The real secret to miraculous cures
Idim 37.38: The ultimate act of truth
Idim 37.39: A secure place to sit
Idim 37.40: The best of bodyguards
Idim 37.41: Fire alarms that might not work
Idim 37.42: The ultimate vaccination
Idim 37.43: What to do when spirits bother us
Idim 37.44: A gift of the latest electronics
Idim 37.45: Suddenly, in the sun at the top
Idim 37.46: An impossible flight
Idim 37.47: Not the end, not even the beginning
Idim 37.48: A drop of water
Idim 37.49: The quiet fertile valley
Idim 37.50: Our link to the Aryas
Idim 37.51: What is a “listener”?
Idim 37.52: How a listener passes on wisdom
Idim 37.53: The difference between literal and general names
Idim 37.54: Truly hearing is to proclaim
Idim 37.55: Why a bodhisattva is not a listener
Idim 37.56: Tattva buddha: Why a medium buddha is still a buddha
Idim 37.57: Waking, and the opening of a flower
Idim 37.58: What makes them “medium”
Idim 37.59: How much emptiness can you see if you are not yet a bodhisattva?
Idim 37.60: Expanding: the difference between a listener and a self-made buddha
Idim 37.61: “Collection” as the perfection of practice
Idim 37.62: “Sambhara” as “embraced”
Idim 37.63: What does it mean to be “self-made”?
Idim 37.64: Able ones, and their Lords
Idim 37.65: Six steps to producing an arhat
Idim 37.66: Are the self-made made in a single lifetime?
Idim 37.67: The assurance of our future
Idim 37.68: A beautiful way to spend lives
Idim 37.69: It wasn’t just dependence, it was teaching
Idim 37.70: How can a father be born from their child?
Idim 37.71: Born, in the sense of a material cause
Idim 37.72: Born, in the sense of a contributing, and separate, cause
Idim 37.73: Keeping the material separate from the contributing
Idim 37.74: The main reason for singing the praises
Idim 37.75: Beyond, and deep
Idim 37.76: A second offering, implied
Idim 37.77: Caring for the young tree
Idim 37.78: Remembering what will be
Idim 37.79: Going on a higher trip
Idim 37.80: A four-part chain of cause & effect
Idim 37.81: The real teaching is compassion
Idim 37.82: The three causes of the cause
Idim 37.83: And diamonds come from the black earth too
Idim 37.84: A single biography
Idim 37.85: Sitting weeping on a cliff
Idim 37.86: All rivers to the sea
Idim 37.87: Water in the desert
Idim 37.88: You wanna surf, but you don’t wanna get wet
Idim 37.89: A thing that never happened before
Idim 37.90: Two extremes in trying
Idim 37.91: Galaxy search within a hoofprint
Idim 37.92: The practice in the palm of our hands
Idim 37.93: The peacock warrior’s transformation
Idim 37.94: Two things to be a great teacher
Idim 37.95: The emperor’s flying saucer
Idim 37.96: The seed of the father, the womb of the mother
Idim 37.97: The ultimate mantra practice
Idim 37.98: The very nature of a produced thing
Idim 37.99: Not like getting your vows
Idim 37.100: Walking without knowing the steps
Idim 37.101: The two great methods
Idim 37.102: A hidden method kept hidden
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