Um dies zu einem noch leistungsfähigeren Lernwerkzeug zu machen, haben wir jedes Bild mit der genauen Zeit im Video verknüpft, in der Geshe Michael die wichtige Idee erklärt. Sie können einfach auf jedes Idim klicken und das Video wird an der genauen Stelle geöffnet.
Idim 38.1: Visiting the middle of the sun
Idim 38.2: The honor of the name
Idim 38.3: Good birds, but the sun
Idim 38.4: Even a coffee, and even unknown
Idim 38.5: Better than picking up stones
Idim 38.6: The fastest way to get a stain out
Idim 38.7: A city in the sun
Idim 38.8: A secure place to sit
Idim 38.9: Suddenly, in the sun at the top
Idim 38.10: The quiet fertile valley
Idim 38.11: The dharma of taking a walk
Idim 38.12: The practice in the palm of our hands
Idim 38.13: The most important one of all
Idim 38.14: Where there’s smoke
Idim 38.15: In the end, to prove a person who cannot lie, for things we cannot see
Idim 38.16: The living breath and eyes
Idim 38.17: Chemicals: not, it would be all
Idim 38.18: What is holding it up? See with the eyes of clear thinking that something solid is there
Idim 38.19: What accounts for the variety of things growing out of the same medium?
Idim 38.20: And the same for different flavors of children
Idim 38.21: More than the coloring from the current senses
Idim 38.22: In fact, the supporting goes the other way
Idim 38.23: Happily giving an eye; so the eye is not the support
Idim 38.24: Let’s face it: something hard to think about
Idim 38.25: Where did the water first start? Lakes, clouds, & ouroboros
Idim 38.26: It’s just the odds
Idim 38.27: One worm, enough mothers
Idim 38.28: Not a single corner of the universe
Idim 38.29: Take care of this oxygen giver
Idim 38.30: Expanding the circle
Idim 38.31: Looks can be deceiving
Idim 38.32: The Arhatess of the Sapphire Lotus
Idim 38.33: The river and the wolf
Idim 38.34: Naked pain to arhat: mistakes make a teacher
Idim 38.35: Prajapati, Destroyer of the Enemy, The Lady of All Beings
Idim 38.36: These are still your jeans
Idim 38.37: A tender meeting with an ant
Idim 38.38: The intense caring started from the inside
Idim 38.39: Her biggest achievement: getting us here, to the Lam Rim
Idim 38.40: A newborn on her fingertips: another proof of karma
Idim 38.41: Even in her sleep
Idim 38.42: What I would have been
Idim 38.43: Anything for money
Idim 38.44: The instincts of a mother
Idim 38.45: Giving up her own food
Idim 38.46: Which one was I?
Idim 38.47: Stuffed in a steel cage
Idim 38.48: Would you help her from a fire?
Idim 38.49: The honor & responsibility of saving a life
Idim 38.50: The code of living kind: a gift in return
Idim 38.51: My mother with a knife
Idim 38.52: My feelings for my only child
Idim 38.53: From here, we’re on autopilot
Idim 38.54: Three steps to loving
Idim 38.55: Arya Nagarjuna’s Six-in-One
Idim 38.56: Work hard to keep the total vision
Idim 38.57: Jumping off from here to equal & exchange
Idim 38.58: A trip to the True Thought
Idim 38.59: The root of two roots
Idim 38.60: Compassion: seed, water, and tasty fruit
Idim 38.61: Working backwards from Enlightenment: Why did Master Chandrakirti give a root for two roots??
Idim 38.62: Compassion: seed, water, and tasty fruit
Idim 38.63: What brings the speed? And why?
Idim 38.64: The difference between your Mom & Dad, and your relatives
Idim 38.65: Short cut to compassion
Idim 38.66: Not the slightest difference
Idim 38.67: The closest thing in this world
Idim 38.68: The lie of people who seem to be doing okay
Idim 38.69: Compassion for her future
Idim 38.70: Special attention to the unlovable
Idim 38.71: When you know you have it, over coffee
Idim 38.72: The difference between pulling away, and protecting
Idim 38.73: Building on first steps
Idim 38.74: A slight difference in loves
Idim 38.75: The majesty of responsibility
Idim 38.76: The decision to sell or not
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