Here is a collection of Idea Images (Idims) which represent all the important ideas of this course. It’s a great tool to connect the image mentally with the important idea. There’s a tradition in this lineage that when you learn a topic you review it at least two times after the class. Preferably once on the day of the class and preferably once the next day or two days later. As Geshe Michael pointed out in this course:
I personally think it’s a great idea to do your traditional lineage required review by just looking at the pictures. Personally I make myself breakfast and I set the images down on the table and I slop food into my mouth, and I drink my coffee and try to remember what was this picture about. And for me it’s a very pleasant breakfast. It’s kind of like a Dharma breakfast.”
Please Note: To make this an even more powerful study tool we linked each image to the exact time in the video where Geshe Michael explains the important idea. You can just click on each Idim and it will open the video at the precise location.
Idim 41.1: A great fixer for pride
Idim 41.2: Credit card troubles
Idim 41.3: The golden cage
Idim 41.4: Daily quiet at the bottom
Idim 41.5: It doesn’t hurt
Idim 41.6: Take the opportunity
Idim 41.7: A gift of the gods
Idim 41.8: Nijinsky’s children
Idim 41.9: The emptiness of our problems
Idim 41.10: And anyway, it will all be gone soon
Idim 41.11: Seeing it as already done
Idim 41.12: The essence of the Diamond Way
Idim 41.13: Mainly, be happy about that
Idim 41.14: The three animals inside us, and putting them away
Idim 41.15: Lojong is the City of Happiness
Idim 41.16: Rain on the journey is a good thing
Idim 41.17: The ultimate problem advice
Idim 41.18: A teaching even for those who have no teaching
Idim 41.19: Calling on spirit beings to do their (nasty) work
Idim 41.20: A special toothbrush meditation
Idim 41.21: White seed: our Jorchu for sakjang
Idim 41.22: The meditation here is a continuous flow of habitation
Idim 41.23: Like giving away vegetables
Idim 41.24: When the outline of 11 is like using a cup
Idim 41.25: Like shooing a fly
Idim 41.26: A source for Coffee Meditation
Idim 41.27: An intention for the bardo
Idim 41.28: Wrapping things up: a white seed
Idim 41.29: Attachment to things we owned as a special cause of resentment for lifetimes
Idim 41.30: Born as a maggot inside our own body
Idim 41.31: Approaching death in the Diamond Way
Idim 41.32: A prayer to take it all
Idim 41.33: Moving on from a place of great familiarity
Idim 41.34: The sleeping lion: what are the channels?
- A Gift of Liberation 44: The Spark of Joy (2024, Kyoto) - February 27, 2025
- Idims: Un regalo de liberación 43: El Bodisatva Moderno (2024, Arizona) - May 21, 2024
- Idims: Дар освобождения 43: Современный Бодхисаттва (2024, Arizona) - May 21, 2024