Geshe Michael Roach gives a really inspiring and deep teaching at The Three jewels in New York City about 9 great ideas from different schools of ancient Indian Buddhism. Understanding these oftentimes subtle differences in the presentation of emptiness will deeply enhance your understanding and practice.
Mixed Nuts Thoughts: Important Ideas from the Ancient Schools of Buddhism (2019, New York)
Interactive Outline / Time Codes
Click anywhere in the outline and the link will take you to the exact spot in the video.
2:38 – At the end of this class he’ll also talk about the history and future direction of ACI.
4:51 – Starting from the lowest school’s ideas then working up.
7:42 – The idea / quote from the Abhidharma school is:
Is there any pure thing in this world?
Can we make the world pure?
11:47 – In the entire universe there’s only 3 unchanging things which will not hurt you.
16:51 – (2nd School) Vinaya Sutra
The Book of Vowed Morality
Master Gunaprabha 1400 years ago
Not to stand
in a covered place: both appearances,
and reality
23:50 – (3rd School) Pramana Vartika
A Commentary on Valid Perception
Master Dharmakirti
1350 years ago
27:47 – In this text there’s a cool idea about the levels of objects:
The layers of perception:
how real is the
second husband in the kitchen?
36:59 – (4th School) Semtsam Kaney
Difficult Points in the Mind-Only
Je Tsongkapa
What happens to the mind in nirvana?
49:58 – (5) Abhisamaya Alankara
The Jewel of Realizations
Arya Asanga
1700 years ago
How long does the Wheel of Life last?
58:50 – (6) Yukti Shashtika
Sixty Verses on Reasoning
Arya Nagarjuna
1800 years ago
gewa diyi kyewo kun,
sunam yeshe tsok-dzok shing,
sunam yeshe lejung way,
dampa kunyi topar shok.
1:10:04 – (7) Tongnyi Tatri
A Book of Meditations on Emptiness
Choney Lama Drakpa Shedrup
1:14:01 – In Tatri there’s also this important subject:
The impossibility
of the borders
of all possible things
Four seals of approval:
changing pain,
selfless peace
1:40:38 – (9) Lojong Tsunjay Korlo
The Crown of Knives
Master Dharmarakshita
1,000 years ago
1:45:16 – The important and sweet idea they just reached in the translation is:
After looking into the past,
the extra step
of avoiding any trace
of blaming
2:12:48 – The history and new direction / teaching training program for ACI.
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