A Gift of Liberation 27: The Four Flowers (2017, Arizona)
Master Kamalashila Meditations on the Diamond Cutter Sutra, Part 4 – The Nine Messages: Kamalashila’s Surprise Ending to the Diamond Cutter Sutra (2017, Arizona)
A Gift of Liberation 28: Building My Practice Space Retreat (2017, Thailand)

Master Kamalashila Meditations on the Diamond Cutter Sutra, Part 4 – The Nine Messages: Kamalashila’s Surprise Ending to the Diamond Cutter Sutra (2017, Arizona)

In the fourth parth of this course series, Master Kamalashila: Meditations on the Diamond Cutter Sutra, Geshe Michael Roach teaches the deepest meanings of ultimate reality and how to reach those states using a series of meditations from Master Kamalashila’s commentary. Each meditation is designed to increase and stabilize our understanding, step-by-step.

This program is designed to inspire deep practice and contemplation. Each day, Geshe Michael will teach one class early in the morning, with healthy juices and food for a clear mind. Then, for the rest of the day, each participant will practice on their own in the solitude and beauty of the high desert of Arizona.

Meditation Images

Meditations of Kamalashila on The Diamond Cutter Sutra, Part 4

The Diamond Cutter Sutra in four languages

The Diamond Cutter Sutra in four languages


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Geshe Michael Roach
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A Gift of Liberation 27: The Four Flowers (2017, Arizona)

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A Gift of Liberation 28: Building My Practice Space Retreat (2017, Thailand)