In the last course in this series Lam Rim Series Course 3: Finding What We Were Always Meant to Be continuing our ten-year journey through Pabongka Rinpoche’s Gift of Liberation, an important spiritual classic from Tibet. We learned how to look deep inside ourselves to find that vein of pure gold—the one thing that we were always meant to do, and to be. And then we are no longer tired or bored with our life: we feel a sudden joy in finding our one true purpose.

Now for ten days we take what we’ve learned into retreat and Geshe Michael will lead us in a review of the techniques from ancient scripture that we’ve learned for finding our passion, and then we’ll go inside during special guided meditation sessions to uncover this passion.

Course Materials

Retreat Schedule


    Geshe Michael Roach
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    Fearless Success (2012, San Francisco)

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    Intro to The Diamond Cutter: A Two Night Lecture in Phoenix (2013, Phoenix)