Here is how disagreements go: Somebody else says they want to do something one way, and we gently suggest that we might want to do it another way. Then their opinion begins to harden, like cement—and our disagreement with them gets more concrete too. In the end, we reach a point where it feels like we’re completely, solidly stuck.

It doesn’t have to be that way. There’s a certain kind of meditation that we can do, for a few minutes, which literally melts disagreements away. The meditation comes from ancient Tibet, and anyone can learn it, to help with a problem we’ve gotten stuck in.

This special meditation is called “Not One, Not Two.” We will be learning it from a book written by The First Panchen Lama about 400 years ago.​

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Geshe Michael Roach
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A Gift of Liberation 11: The Art of Appreciating Yourself & Your Life (2013, Arizona)

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A Gift of Liberation 12: Master Magnet Retreat (2013, Prescott)