In this video Geshe Michael Roach speaks about transformation and how the most important thing we can do with our lives is serving others. This was excerpted from a talk given at the Rachel House benefit on July, 2014 in Singapore.
Please click the following link below to learn more about the programs at Rachel House:
DCI’s business retreats and public talks are targeted towards business executives and entrepreneurs searching how to take their business to the next level of success; however, our talks are open to everyone seeking personal and business success. Participants will be given a practical daily set of practices to achieving success in all aspects of their life, both personal and financial.
Assisted by a staff of senior teachers trained at the Institute, Geshe Michael Roach travels the world sharing the ancient wisdom he has learned, in lectures, workshops, and weekend retreat seminars.
If you would like more information or to register for one of DCI’s upcoming events please visit the DCI website.
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