After almost three years in meditation, the retreatants at Diamond Mountain University are possibly as deep as any large group of meditators in the history of the United States. In their final public teaching before the celebration of their coming out of retreat they shared their experiences, and the meditation techniques that have worked best for them.
You’ll hear from Lama Dvora Tzvieli, a PhD in computer science and leader of 45 Buddhist groups in Israel; Earle Birney, the next generation of an illustrious line of Canada’s leading poets, and founder of the Bowie Community Center for poor familes; Vilma Staiano, of New York City, one of the seniormost teachers of the Asian Classics Institute; and John Brady, former national sales director of one of America’s largest catalog sales corporations – the “Indiana Jones” who crisscrossed the world to save thousands of books of Tibetan sacred literature.
You’ll also hear from classmates of the retreatants who have spent the three years out helping the world with the 7 years of study they completed at Diamond Mountain. Scott Vacek is an executive with the Diamond Cutter Institute, and has been running seminars on ethical business from Russia to Taiwan, for companies with up to 40,000 employees. Ven. Jigme Palmo has been a Buddhist nun for 20 years, and has been a student of Geshe Michael since he started teaching the ACI courses. She taught middle way philosophy at Diamond Mountain University, and was the director of the first three-year retreat which started in 1999.
Special Presentation:The New Je Tsongkapa Student Center. DMU Board of Directors Vice-President Nicole Davis describes the new Je Tsongkapa Student Center, a 200-person cafeteria; coffee lounge; and silent study area at Diamond Mountain University which has received funding of $235,000 and is now in design and construction. Nicole will tell us all how we can help complete this cornerstone of the New Diamond Mountain retreat center, which will open for retreats by the public following the conclusion of the 3-year retreat.
Special Presentation – Planning for the April End of Retreat Celebration. Diamond Mountain University Board Member Ven. Jigme Palmo gives a description of the planning for the big event in April, 2014 which will celebrate the completion of the three-year retreat, including many special programs and workshops.
Special Guest Speaker: Lady Ruth Lauer. Lady Ruth has spent many years in India as a direct disciple of the founder of Ashtanga Yoga, Sri Pattabhi Jois; and who has helped build the Jivamukti Yoga organization. She is a beloved teacher and supporter of the Diamond Mountain community; a very popular yoga master, artist and poet; and has recently published An Offering of Leaves, an inspiring book of spiritual poetry. Lady Ruth shares her own meditation experiences and advice.
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Lama Dvora Tzvieli
Lama Dvora is a PhD in computer science and leader of 45 Buddhist groups in Israel.
Earle Birney
Earle is the next generation of an illustrious line of Canada’s leading poets, and founder of the Bowie Community Center for poor families.
John Brady
John is the three-year retreat director, and former national sales director of one of America’s largest catalog sales corporations – the “Indiana Jones” who crisscrossed the world to save thousands of books of Tibetan sacred literature.
Vilma Staiano
Vilma, from New York City, is one of the seniormost teachers of the Asian Classics Institute.
Scott Vacek
Scott, is an executive with the Diamond Cutter Institute, and has been running seminars on ethical business from Russia to Taiwan, for companies with up to 40,000 employees.
Nicole Davis
Nicole is currently the Operations Manager of Diamond Mountain University and Retreat Center.
Ven. Jigme Palmo
Ven. Jigme has been a Buddhist nun for 20 years, and has been a student of Geshe Michael since he started teaching ACI courses. She taught middle way philosophy at Diamond Mountain University, and has been director of Diamond Mountain Retreat Center since it started in 1999.
Lady Ruth Lauer
Lady Ruth spent many years in India as a direct disciple of the founder of Ashtanga Yoga, Sri Pattabhi Jois; and who has helped build the Jivamukti Yoga organization. She is a beloved teacher and supporter of the Diamond Mountain community; a very popular yoga master, artist and poet; and has recently published An Offering of Leaves, an inspiring book of spiritual poetry.
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