In this course, we will be studying the most important ideas of the Yoga Sutra. If we really understand these ideas, they can help us reach success in almost everything we do: our work, our health, and our relationships.
These ideas were covered by Geshe Michael in three days of talks, each one with a different theme. Below is an outline of what was covered each night.
Nothing Works – Part I
Who was Master Patanjali and why did he write the Yoga Sutra?
What is the meaning of the word “sutra”?
What is the real meaning of the word “yoga”?
How can we use the Yoga Sutra for success in every part of our life?
How does yoga help us overcome our negative emotions?
Q & A – Participants ask questions for Geshe Michael to answer for the entire audience.
Ashtanga, the Eight Limbs – Part I
What are the eight limbs of yoga, or ashtanga?
What is their goal?
What are the yamas, or practices of goodness that give us the power to change our world?
How are yoga poses or asanas described in the Yoga Sutra?
How does Master Patanjali describe pranayama, or practices for controlling the breath?
What is the ultimate goal of pranayama?
Q & A – Participants ask questions for Geshe Michael to answer for the entire audience.
Near Diamond – Part I
What kind of teacher should we look for?
How can we get the most out of our relationship with the teacher?
What is the first step in learning to meditate?
What is the highest goal of meditation?
What is emptiness, and how can we use it for our personal success?
Q & A – Participants ask questions for Geshe Michael to answer for the entire audience.
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