在為期三天的新年慶祝活動中,我們會學習關於西藏最傑出的學者和實踐者之一宗喀巴大師的一生,以及如何將他的智慧運用在即將到來的 2022 年。
新的一年邁向成功的 12 個步驟
15幅罕見的捲軸畫(唐卡)連同200 幅描繪宗喀巴大師(1357-1419 年)一生的場景,在美國新澤西州豪厄爾的一座小寺院裡懸掛了近35年後,被化為栩栩如生,首次以英文版出現的主要參考書目,並提供中文翻譯。
這座名叫拉澤甘比林的小寺院是由卡爾梅克蒙古佛教徒建造的,也是偉大的上師堪仁波切洛桑達欽的住所,他曾師從帕繃喀仁波切和赤江仁波切等許多偉大的學者和上師。 他的遺產在世界各地流傳,他本人也有許多學生,包括格西麥可羅區。
從這200多個場景中,格西麥可羅區將展示12個主題方法,關於如何在新的一年裡打開我們生活中可能的思維和創造力的新大門。 然後,每個主題都將成為您在 2022 年關註一個主題的練習,每個月一個。
在为期三天的新年庆祝活动中,我们会学习关于西藏最杰出的学者和实践者之一宗喀巴大师的一生,以及如何将他的智慧运用在即将到来的 2022 年。
新的一年迈向成功的 12 个步骤
15幅罕见的卷轴画(唐卡)连同200 幅描绘宗喀巴大师(1357-1419 年)一生的场景,在美国新泽西州豪厄尔的一座小寺院里悬挂了近35年后,被化为栩栩如生,首次以英文版出现的主要参考书目,并提供中文翻译。
从这200多个场景中,格西麦可罗区将展示12个主题方法,关于如何在新的一年里打开我们生活中可能的思维和创造力的新大门。然后,每个主题都将成为您在 2022 年关注一个主题的练习,每个月一个。
King of the Dharma: The Illustrated Life of Je Tsongkapa Book Release Event & 12 Ways to Have a Successful New Year
Below you’ll find recordings of this 3 day teaching event to celebrate the release of the second edition of the King of the Dharma paperback and ebook. Net proceeds of the book sales will go to benefit the Rashi Gempil Ling Temple and the Castle Rock Fund. During this three day New Year’s celebration, we will learn about the life of Je Tsongkapa, one of the most prominent scholars and practitioners of Tibet, and how we can apply his wisdom for the upcoming 2022 year.
12 Ways to Have a Successful New Year
After hanging for nearly 35 years in a small temple in Howell, New Jersey, USA, 15 rare scroll paintings, (thangkas) with over 200 scenes depicting the life of Je Tsongkapa (1357-1419), have been brought alive into a master bibliographical work that is available for the first time in the English Language, with translation into Chinese.
This small temple, called Rashi Gempil Ling was built by Kalmyk Mongolian Buddhists and also was the residence of the great teacher Khen Rinpoche Lobsang Tharchin, who trained with many great scholars and masters such as Pabongka Rinpoche and Trijang Rinpoche. His legacy lives on throughout the world having many students himself, including Geshe Michael Roach.
From these 200+ scenes, Geshe Michael Roach presents 12 thematic methods on how to open new doors of possible thinking and creativity in our lives in the New Year. Each theme will then become a practice for you to focus one in 2022, one for each month.
English Video
This is a video playlist starting with the most recently posted class. Just click for the next video to see additional videos in the series.
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- Idims: 掌中解脫 第43期: 現代的菩薩 (2024, Arizona) - 21 5 月, 2024
- 掌中解脫 第43期: 現代的菩薩 (2024, Arizona) - 3 5 月, 2024