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Join us for a new online course, Love in the Time of the Virus. We will be deeply investigating how to foster a loving and profound motivations to serve others and turn even the smallest acts of kindness into a powerful method to eradicate the virus and suffering from the world.
This course is a continuation of our study of the Gift of Liberation Thrust into the Palm of Your Hand by Pabongka Rinpoche. We are transitioning from the analysis of the medium scope practitioners to the highest scope practitioners—those motivated fully and completely by love for others. In this deep text, Pabongka Rinpoche suggests that the most powerful techniques of fully developing compassion and love should indeed become the heart of our daily practice.
In this course, we will learn how to answer the call for human kindness amidst this great pandemic while letting go of our tendencies to primarily focus on ourselves. Additionally, what tools can we use to respond with these challenges right around us, in our home communities, in order to have a lasting impact? How does serving others first become the cause to end great suffering and finally, what visions and motivations can we hold in our heart to bring all this about effectively and rapidly?
We’ll be releasing 3 classes and 1 guided meditation per week (Mon-Wed-Fri) here on TKB starting August 1.
English Video with subtitles available in 9 languages.
This is a video playlist starting with the most recently posted class. Just click for the next video to see additional videos in the series.
Supplementary Course Materials
Master Shantideva’s Dedication Chapter with a full commentary by Geshe Michael
Transcript of Geshe Michael’s Oral Transmission of Master Shantideva’s Dedication Chapter
Meditation 1 Interactive Transcript
Class 1 Interactive Transcript
Class 2 Interactive Transcript
Class 3 Interactive Transcript
Meditation 2 Interactive Transcript
Class 4 Interactive Transcript
Class 5 Interactive Transcript
Class 6 Interactive Transcript
Meditation 3 Interactive Transcript
Class 7 Interactive Transcript
Class 8 Interactive Transcript
Class 9 Interactive Transcript
This is our 36th Steps to the Path retreat and we’re now 10 years into these teachings on the lam rim. You can see all of the other teachings in this series by clicking the image below.
- Idims: 掌中解脫 第43期: 現代的菩薩 (2024, Arizona) - 21 5 月, 2024
- 掌中解脫 第43期: 現代的菩薩 (2024, Arizona) - 3 5 月, 2024
- 掌中解脫 第42期: 夢想的力量: 把偉大的想法帶進生活 (2023, Kyoto) - 14 3 月, 2024