Joined11 9 月, 2015
格西麥可羅區出生於美國加利福尼亞。 他也榮獲在美國白宮頒發的總統獎。他是在中國傳統文化學習25年後,第一個拿到格西學位的美國人。他在紐約開創了安鼎國際鑽石公司。此公司達到年銷售額兩億五仟萬美元時被世界最有錢的投資客華倫巴菲特在2009年時收購。
In the pristine, hig...
課程視頻 This is a video...
For the second year, we return to Thailand for another installment of the Gift of Liberation series, which is based upon the Lam Rim teachings of Pabongka Rinpoche, in his seminal book, "Liberation Thrust into the Palm of Your Hand". At this retreat on the stunning beaches of Thailand, Geshe Michael Roach will teach us how to identify the six majors problems that most people experience at one time or another, and the how to finally end them.
Based on the great Tibetan Classic, A Gift of Liberation: Thrust into the Palm of Our Hand written by Pabonka Rinpoche, this retreat focused on using death meditation to reinvigorate your life and your practice and included the popular 3 day “Retreat within a Retreat”. This 10-day installment finished the portion of the text describing the animal and hell realms, included a beautiful death meditation and began the section of the Lam Rim which discusses the beautiful practice of going for refuge.
格西麥克羅琦將會有兩天對空性進行特別的教授。 教學內容直接取自與《天使與惡魔之辯》,這是第一世班禪喇嘛(1565-1662)所撰寫的古老藏文對空性的教授。並且文本極其風趣和深奧。它能幫助我們獲得此生與來世的成功