Joined11 9 月, 2015
一個深入鑽研罕見的空性冥想教授的獨特機會:蓮花戒大師關於《金剛經》的冥想,是關於空性最重要的教授之一,它在過去千年中還未被廣泛教授。 在蓮花戒大師僻靜會的前四天,學生們會在早晨的課程中跟隨格西麥克學習當天的冥想,接下來的其他時間都在閉關房中練習這些冥想。此處的影片和音檔就是那些早晨的課程內容。後面三天,學生們有機會自行潛入到更深的冥想當中。
While at the top and in the teaching hall of this temple Geshe Michael gave a teaching on Master Kamilashila's commentary to The Diamond Cutter Sutra. There are two famous commentaries to The Diamond Cutter Sutra that were written in Sanskrit in India. This one by Master Kamalashila is one of them and was written around 750 A.D., the other was done by by Master Vasubandhu around 350 A.D.