蓮花戒大師是8世紀赫赫有名的印度學者,以及是當時那爛陀大學的住持,曾被迎請至藏地傳講佛法。其最為著名的經典著作是關於冥想的《禪定修習次第》(梵文名為Bhavanakrama, 藏文名為Gompay Rimpa)。我們的眾多讀者之所以得知蓮花戒大師,是因為他這本著作打造了,亞洲經典學院的第 三套關於冥想的課程中,大部分內容的教理基礎。
莲花戒大师是8世纪赫赫有名的印度学者,以及是当时那烂陀大学的住持,曾被迎请至藏地传讲佛法。其最为著名的经典著作是关于冥想的《禅定修习次第》(梵文名为Bhavanakrama, 藏文名为Gompay Rimpa)。我们的众多读者之所以得知莲花戒大师,是因为他这本著作打造了,亚洲经典学院的第 三套关于冥想的课程中,大部分内容的教理基础。
This is the second in a four-part series based on Master Kamalashila’s commentary on the Diamond Cutter Sutra led by Geshe Michael Roach. This retreat provided a unique opportunity to delve deeply into rarely taught meditations on emptiness. The retreat consisted of morning sessions led by Geshe Michael Roach followed by individual practice in the student’s private retreat cabin.
Geshe Michael included a section from The Jewel of Realization, spoken by Lord Maitreya and written down by Arya Asanga describing the Buddha’s Marks and Signs, as well as a selection from A lamp Which Illuminates the Hidden Meaning composed of notes to a teaching by the great Konchok Tenpay Drunme of Gungtang, which explains the karmic correlations of the Buddha’s Marks and Signs.
Lecture Videos
This is a video playlist. Just click for the next video to see additional videos in the series.
Meditation Images
Meditations of Kamalashila on The Diamond Cutter Sutra
The Marks and Signs of a Buddha Translation
There are two famous commentaries to The Diamond Cutter Sutra that were written in Sanskrit in India. The commentary to the Diamond Cutter Sutra that Geshe Michael is using for the basis of this teaching is by Master Kamalashila. It was written around 750 A.D., the other famous Indian commentary was done by by Master Vasubandhu around 350 A.D.
Here’s what Geshe Michael had to say about the two surviving Sanskrit commentaries:
“We have two left — one by Kamalashila, who lived around 750 C.E., and the other by Vasubandhu, who lived some four hundred years before. Kamalashila’s claim to fame was that he taught King Trisong Detsun of Tibet how to meditate properly.”
“Kamalashila’s commentary is an intense treatise that uses the Sutra to explain some very difficult positions held by one of the five philosophical schools of Buddhism.”
Master Kamalashila was the renowned 8th century Indian scholar and abbot of Nalanda University who was invited to teach in Tibet, and is probably best known for his classic text about meditation called The Steps of Meditation (Bhavanakrama in Sanskrit, Gompay Rimpa in Tibetan). Many of you know Master Kamalshila because this famous text forms the basis for much of ACI Course 3 on Meditation.
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