《智慧》 的 27個章節裡的篇詩每一篇都對一個獨特的想法或問題進行了考察,以幫助我們理解我們*相信*事物是如何運作的方式可能不僅僅是懷疑…近 2000 年來,人們研究了這些詩詞並想知道這些章節的順序背後的含義是什麼,所提出的每個想法之間的聯繫是什麼。雖然有些章節顯然屬於同一章節,但需要深入研究才能辨別龍樹菩薩的想法。
《智慧》 的 27个章节里的篇诗每一篇都对一个独特的想法或问题进行了考察,以帮助我们理解我们*相信*事物是如何运作的方式可能不仅仅是怀疑…近 2000 年来,人们研究了这些诗词并想知道这些章节的顺序背后的含义是什么,所提出的每个想法之间的联系是什么。虽然有些章节显然属于同一章节,但需要深入研究才能辨别龙树菩萨的想法。
In these classes, we will continue our exploration of Nagarjuna’s Wisdom, the most famous book ever written on Buddhism’s most important idea: emptiness, which clarified and became the basis of all subsequent emptiness teachings. Geshe Michael Roach will lead us through an investigation into the flow and the deeper meaning of Nagarjuna’s writings, and how to apply his understanding practically into our daily lives.
Each of Wisdom’s 27 chapters of poetry presents an investigation of a unique idea or question to help us understand that the way we *believe* things work in our world perhaps is more than suspect. For almost 2000 years people have studied these poems and wondered what the meaning is behind the order of these chapters and what is the connection between each of the ideas presented. While some of the chapters obviously belong together, it requires a deep examination to discern what Nagarjuna had in mind.
And we have very few explanations in the canon of literature after Wisdom, one of which is Choney Lama. His commentary is quite extensive, yet his rationale for the order of the chapters explains the book out of order!
Our work then will be to study and understand the book, and put together our own interpretation of why Nagarjuna explained topics in the way and order he does. Then, we will ask ourselves the question: how does this actually help us in our day-to-day life? Perhaps, ultimately the meaning that each of us finds in the order of the chapters will uniquely help us to unravel the struggles and challenges in our personal lives so we can find more peace, happiness, and fulfilment.
This is our 5th course in this series exploring Arya Nagarjuna’s “Wisdom”. Geshe Michael stressed the importance of reviewing the previous Nagarjuna courses. He said,
You can review all of the other teachings in this series by clicking the image below:
This is a video playlist starting with the most recently posted class. Just click for the next video to see additional videos in the series.
- 掌中解脫 第44期: 喜悅的火花 (2024, Kyoto) - 27 2 月, 2025
- Idims: 掌中解脫 第43期: 現代的菩薩 (2024, Arizona) - 21 5 月, 2024
- 掌中解脫 第43期: 現代的菩薩 (2024, Arizona) - 3 5 月, 2024